The first book, There Must be More: Lost Keys to The Christian Life, is a journey into soul-satisfying truths that have been neglected in churches, Bible colleges and seminaries over the last 100 years. If we would only listen to Christian greats from the past, like George Muller, Andrew Murray, Amy Carmichael, and D.L. Moody, we could again see the world shake.
The second book, The Derakim: A Life-Transforming Journey into the Ways of God, is an in-depth study of the most foundational description of God in the Bible. It was first spoken to Moses (Exodus 34:6), and was absolutely central for the prophets, psalmists, and apostles who wrote Scripture … but for some strange reason it has been almost completely ignored in the history of Christian thought. For those with ears to hear, the message can revolutionize your life.

There is a widespread hunger for something more among young Bible-believing Christians today. Could it be that the "more" they are seeking is closer than they think- the lost writing of the great Christian of days gone by? Anyone who will examine the evidence for themselves will find that the men and women who started many of our Bible-believing denominations, schools, and ministry organizations had a radically different approach to the Christian life... and they saw the heavens open.
There Must Be More: Lost Keys to the Christian Life introduces several exciting aspects of Christian discipleship which used to be commonplace. This book focuses on discipleship principles that have been lost and forgotten in many quarters, principles that will add a supernatural dimension to the life of those who are hungry for more.

There are two great revelatory moments in history, when God told us who He is. The first time is on mount Sinai when He describes His ways (Hebrew: derakim) to Moses (Exodus 34:6). The second time He describes His ways in person of Jesus Christ, when "the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us" (John 1:14). Both events reveal that God is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, and great in lovingkindness, and faithfulness.
This amazing string of words is called The Derakim (The Ways), and they first came directly from the mouth of God. The Derakim can bring peace to the restless human soul: It can satisfies our deepest longings, and answers the greatest questions of our human existence. It is a key for understanding the mysteries of the Scripture, and is the clearest statement of theology ever given to humanity. Jesus once said that eternal life was a matter of coming to know the only true God (John 17:3). In Scripture, those who know God know The Derakim.